Resilient Minds

Online Counseling and Consulting Services

Online Counseling via Email

When a short-term problem or situation develops in our lives it's helpful to obtain some ideas or perspective from a caring, unbiased professional. Online Counseling via email is a great opportunity to seek assistance quickly and efficiently without the hassle of enrolling in traditional mental health programs.

Online Counseling via Chat

If a difficult issue has left you feeling in need of assistance, look into online counseling via chat. Real time instant messaging allows all the benefits of traditional therapy while in the comfort of your own home. Chatting allows for honest therapeutic interaction that will feel more like talking with an old friend while getting the help you desire.

Online Counseling via Phone

Online Counseling via Phone provides the option of hearing a compassionate professional with which to discuss complex issues in a format similar to traditional face-to-face counseling with the convenience of scheduling an appointment wherever a phone is available.

Online Counseling via Video Chat

"Web Therapy" also known as online counseling through video provides the benefits of traditional face-to-face counseling in the comfortable surroundings of your choice. Video counseling can be a one-time appointment or as ongoing sessions to assist you in your process for resiliency.


  • Confidential
  • Convenient
  • Comfortable
  • Cost Effective


  • Life Transitions
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Grief/Loss
  • Emotional Insecurity
  • Relationship Issues
  • Educational related Issues